4 - 5pm SUNDAYS

Welcome to the Love Hour website
You are invited to spend a portion of your Sunday afternoons opening your heart to all of humankind - within the window of 4:00 – 5:00PM every Sunday – whatever your time zone or wherever you are in the world. You might call it reflection, contemplation, meditation or any other descriptor. Instead of sending love you might prefer terms like kindness, compassion, acceptance, and friendliness. For suggested practices click here.
The intention of this initiative is to activate the power of love to transform individuals, families, communities, states, nations, and the world to address the many areas that so desperately need love and healing. Through a collective meditation on love, it is our hope that wounds can be healed and new paths walked that will uplift humanity and strengthen our bonds to our interconnected planetary ecosystem - One world under love.
it works
On any Sunday between 4:00 and 5:00PM your local time, as you are moved to join in, sit quietly and think loving thoughts, feel loving feelings, intend positive consequences, while keeping every human being on Earth as the focus, even those people you may not like very much.
The Love Hour was created by a small group of volunteers during the COVID-19 pandemic who then invited others from their networks to join them at the same time each week. Then, those people invited their networks and so forth. Rather than being based in an organization or led by any group of people, the Love Hour is leaderless and commerce free.
There are no call-in numbers, facilitators, meditation leaders, login IDs, or methodologies. The Love Hour is transparent and free form. Nothing to join or subscribe to. Everyone who chooses to participate in the Love Hour simply spends a few minutes up to the full hour each Sunday afternoon, knowing that others are doing the same thing wherever they are located.
If you wish to invite people in your networks to join you in this spirit-lifting initiative, copy the logo/link to this website and add it to your own website, your blog, your email signature, your social media sites or any other place where your networks can click on it and discover the Love Hour for themselves.
the word
Feel free to use your own form of centering/contemplation/meditation or use the 10 minutes guided practices offered here and extend them as long as you wish. These guided practices are designed to usher you into your calm state of being, first, and then proceed to the heartfelt place where innate love, compassion, and empathy radiate out.